Recently we registered our daughter for her upcoming junior year of school. In going through the electives, one class offered caught my attention – visual journaling. My interest was peaked. A class where you tell a story without the written word. I almost wanted to re-enter high school just to take that class!

It’s had me thinking ever since. As a woman, wife, and mother, what story does my life tell? What would the values I want to instill in my daughter look like visually? What pictures would I select to showcase how I spend my time? I’m a visual learner, so this concept really resonated with me.

If we created visual journals for all aspects of our life, it would be rather telling. We might find the extent of our organization, or lack thereof. Maybe it would be so overflowing that we’d see why we’re so overwhelmed every day. Most certainly any top-heavy or missing areas would surface.

When we look at our lives, what story does it tell? How would we describe it without words? Is it vibrant? Is the purpose of our life clear? Go ahead and create a visual journal and see what it reveals. It might just make a difference.

Life is short. Time is fleeting. Yet daily our lives tell a story–do we like what it shows?

The kaleidoscope of colour which is my life, shows the interesting choices I’ve made along the way.  ~Antie Koekie