As I sit in the cool fall morning, I am reminded that this journey through life is not haphazard. God, who created all things, has sovereignly orchestrated each and every step.
That truth brings me such encouragement as I often I do not understand His path when it takes the turns it does but it is not for me to understand. My role is to trust and obey His leading.
As I’ve gotten older, I find I endeavor to understand less and focus more on trusting His leading. Not always easy to do, but perhaps I’ve learned all my previous striving to figure things out was in the end useless and meaningless as I’m not the one in control of my life—God is.
So as I reflect this morning, three attributes of God come to mind:
God is faithful! Even in the barren land times of our life, God meets us there. There is no problem too big for God and not a moment that God is not right beside us—His presence is continual. Do we seek Him?
God’s timing is perfect! Often viewed as late by our standards, but God’s timing take into account all aspects of the big picture He’s weaving together. It’s perfectly orchestrated like a beautiful symphony. Do we wait on Him?
God is creative! He can take a life, an event, or an experience, and transform it into something beautiful and useful. Do we allow Him to transform us?
God is continually undergoing preparation and construction in our lives to open up a pathway to beautiful scenery ahead. Be encouraged today knowing the One True God is in control. Our job–look to Him, trust, and obey!